Contact Us
The Organization of American Kodály Educators was founded in 1975. Its purpose is to promote Zoltan Kodály’s concept of “Music for Everyone” through the improvement of music education in schools. For general inquiries, please call us at 310.441.3555. The best and fastest way to reach us is by email at [email protected]. We will do our best to be available for you during our office hours.
OAKE Office Hours
9:00 am – 5:00 pm PDT
Phone – (310) 441.3555
Fax – (310) 441.3577
info @
Other Publications
OAKE publishes and distributes a variety of material including collections of music for children, a video library for members, and materials to help teachers. To see our publications, to go our Purchase Publications page.
Board of Directors
OAKE is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership. There are not only the Executive Officers, but the Ex-Officio Members, Members at Large, Division Presidents, Regional Representatives and National Advisers listed on the Board of Directors page.
Training Institutions
Training as a “Kodály Teacher” is usually at the post-baccalaureate level either as part of a master’s degree or as a certificate. Several institutions around the country offer this training. To see a list of Endorsed and Unendorsed programs, click here.
National Conferences
Each year the OAKE holds a conference during which lectures, concerts, teaching demonstrations, and exhibits provide teachers of music interested in Kodály’s concept of music education new ideas and resources. The National Conference Choir is composed of OAKE member’s students who audition from across the nation. Click here to find out more about the National Conference.